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Under The Skin with Sammy Davies

We had the pleasure of chatting to Sammy Davies; who writes a fantastic Beauty & Skincare Blog about her skincare thoughts and routines. 

How has your skincare routine changed over the years?

I never used to care about the products I used, mostly just chucked something on my face and hoped for the best. My Mum is a beauty therapist so always drummed the importance of skincare into my head but through my teenage years, I was too cool to care. I mean I rocked foundation probably 5 shades too dark for me so why would I care about washing my face (I cringe just thinking about those days).

My Mum luckily provided me with good quality skincare while I was a poor nursing student (thanks Mum). It was then that I started seeing that having a proper routine and using products that work well with your skin can have amazing results and I fell in love with skincare. I now am slightly obsessed with having a morning and night routine and enjoy researching products and ingredients.

My partner got sick of me ranting on about products to him so I decided to post reviews online instead. This has made me more conscious of what I use as I don’t want to be recommending potentially harmful or bad quality skincare to people.

Have you had any surgical skin treatments?

Not yet, definitely not ruling them out in the future. The only professional treatment I’ve had done is microdermabrasion to help with the congestion I get on my face. I have normal/oily skin so get a lot of blackheads over my nose and chin. I did enjoy getting treatments but much prefer doing my own routine at home. My usual Friday or Saturday night includes facemasks in my dressing gown and I love it!



What do you think about Botox and fillers?

Personally, I have nothing against them. If someone wants to enhance their appearance for more self-confidence or because something is bothering them, then go ahead. It’s when people are feeling pressure to “fit in” that I don’t think it’s a good idea. Like when influencers on social media document getting their botox or lip fillers done and their followers feel pressure to do the same. I see young girls on Instagram (that all look the same) and honestly think they’re in their 20’s even late 20’s when some of them are as young as 16. Just because everyone else is doing something doesn’t mean you need to do it too (oh my gosh I sound like my Mum!).

I was blessed with big full lips and have lost count of the amount of times I’ve been asked if I get my lips done. I do remember in primary school I got teased because I had big lips haha I guess times have definitely changed!

Which products are your daily go-to’s?

My daily staples are a cleanser, toner, serums, eye cream, moisturiser and SPF. I’ve also been using a lash serum for the past year which I love.

I use products that cater for my skin concerns at the time. Such as using products to help brighten my skin or help even out my skin tone.

I’m turning the big 30 this year, so starting to focus more on anti-ageing and prevention skincare products too. My years of not wearing SPF are catching up on me and I’m having major regrets, seriously wear your SPF everyday people!!!

These days, brands are launching new products almost daily, this can get very overwhelming for us as consumers. Don’t fall into the hype and think you need all the latest products because everyone else is using it. Just use whatever makes you and your skin happy!

Which skincare routines do you do every day and night?

This is going to sound complicated but I LOVE beauty and skincare so I have a few products I switch between. I am very grateful that I get to try out a lot of products and review them, hence why my day/night routine may be a tad more excessive than other people’s.

Day: Cleanse, toner, serums (these include Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C, Niacinamide or whatever else I’m trying out or my skin is needing), light eye cream, moisturiser and of course the most important step… SPF!!

Night: Always double cleanse, first with an oil cleanser or balm and then follow up with a regular cleanser. I have a few night routines I alternate between; one night I will use a retinol product the other night I may use a type of chemical exfoliation. I then always use a hydrating eye cream and either a moisturiser or overnight mask.

I have a slight addiction to face masks so probably use a mask 2-3 times a week, these vary between clay masks, sheet masks or cream masks depending on how my skin is feeling. If my skin is feeling overly congested or dull I’ll use a gentle face exfoliator at night, however, I do prefer using chemical exfoliants.

Any final words of skincare wisdom?

Get to know your skin type and what works well with you. I’ve fallen victim to the “Instagram made me buy it” so many times and purchased products because they have a big hype when really these products aren’t going to benefit my skin and just look pretty sitting on my counter.

Take time to research brands and learn about their ethics and also what ingredients they use in their products. I like to use a lot of natural products as these have less of the bad and unnecessary ingredients in them.
Your skin is your biggest organ so take care of it like to do to the rest of your body. Wear your SPF every day too! Even in winter and even when it’s cloudy! That’s all xx

Find Sammy at:

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