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Gift Giving

The last few years have really hit home to me what I really value in my life. And I don't think I'm alone in that realisation. There's nothing like a lockdown to force you to take stock of who you are and what's really important to you. 

To me it was;

- Family

- Friends

- The Outdoors

- Life Experiences

- Health

And just like anyone who has been chronically ill, injured or is immunosuppressed (like me) - being deprived of those people and things helped me become more grateful for what most of us take for granted on a daily basis. 

This has impacted my life in every way possible and so when I was thinking about writing this piece about gift giving this year, I was reminded of what's most important to me. And thus, this year's gift ideas are based on those five values. I hope you stay safe and really enjoy this Summer - it genuinely has a whole new shine to me this year.

  • Outdoor games for all ages

Do you remember when families used to get together for Christmas celebrations and throw a frisbee around or play petanque? Perhaps you've got another outdoor game in-mind. Either way, I think that gifting an outdoor game that is fun for all ages is a wonderful way to entertain everyone on the day and encourage them to go outdoors and have fun together this Summer. Here are some great options from Aotearoa companies;

- Backyard Games

- Yard Games

- Game Kings - or if it's an indoor Christmas these board games are designed by New Zealanders! 


  • The Gift of Nature

When one walk a day was all we were allowed to safely do, I really began to appreciate my local park in a totally new way. I looked forward to the time out in nature and it helped my mental health exponentially. It's funny how it becomes so easy to get back into old routines where you spend zero time saying hello to your neighbourhood trees (or was that just me? 😂 ). So in an effort to give back to nature, perhaps gift a plant or activity in nature to someone special this year.

- Tree Gifts

- Gift or Donate a Tree

- Chuffed (Gift an experience) 


  • A Healthy Mindset


We've all heard of #treatyoself or #selflove but at the crux of these messages is that looking after yourself shouldn't be something to feel ashamed of. Just like in the airplane, you need to secure your own oxygen mask before you can help others. So gifting something that reminds your loved ones to think of themselves in a nurturing way is always the perfect gift in my opinion. 

- Our Bees Brilliance gift sets are ranged to be an affordable and gorgeous surprise for a friend or family member who needs some pampering. 

- Iko Iko have some really lovely candles that are made in New Zealand.

- Need a new cloth mask with some personality? Head to felt.co.nz for a fantastic selection and maybe add one of our new refresher mask sprays to add a lovely spritz whilst out and about. 

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